Friday, December 18, 2015

Chocolate Arrowroot Biscuit Rolls

This is a recipe I came across in Sanjeev Kapoors site. I had a Nutrichoice Arrowroot biscuit packet lying at home and accidentally came across this recipe. It would make a quick and yummy treat for christmas.


For the dough/outer covering:
  • Arrowroot biscuits- 12
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoon
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon
  • Milk - as needed ( around 1 to 2 tbsp)
For the filling:
  • Dessicated coconut - 1 cup
  • Cocoa powder - 2tbsp
  • Powdered sugar 3 tbsp
  • Cardamom powder - 1/2tsp
  • Vanilla essence - 1tsp
  • Butter - 2tbsp


1. To prepare the dough, powder the biscuits in mixie. Add the powdered biscuits, sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl. Add milk little by little and form a soft dough.

2. For the filling, mix all the ingredients under "for the filling" section in another bowl.

3. Spread a clean plastic cover/sheet (if you have have a cling wrap it would be more easy), I didnt have cling wrap so used a clean plastic cover. Grease it with some butter and roll the dough with the chapathi roller pin to a rough circle.

4. Spread the filling in the middle and press down a little. Now start rolling from the top to bottom (along with the sheet) and form a cylinder. Roll it a bit tight. Seal the edges by tying a knot.

5. Pop it in the freezer for 2 hrs. Take it out, release the edges and remove the plastic sheet. Cut into circular slices and serve!.


  • Take care to ensure mixie is dry before powdering the biscuits.
  • The original recipe calls for 3tbsp cocoa in the filling and 2 tbsp in the dough. I made the filling with 3 tbsp but it seemed to have the bitterness of cocoa. So I have given it as 2 tbsp here. Just add 2 tbsp and if its not enough add more after tasting. I used weikfield cocoa powder.
  • Add milk little by little. Adjust as per requirement.
  • You can add chopped nuts in the filling too.
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